Archive for September, 2013

Wendel introduced an Energy Management System in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001:2011

Ab jetzt lautet die Wendel Energiepolitik:
  1. Energie einzusparen, wo es möglich ist.
  2. Einbindung, Information und Schulung aller Mitarbeiter bei der Einführung und Umsetzung des Energiemanagementsystems.
  3. Berücksichtigung relevanter rechtlicher Verpflichtungen und anderer Anforderungen
  4. Regelmäßige Bewertung der Energieeffizienz, des Energieeinsatzes und des Energieverbrauchs
  5. Umweltfreundliche und energiesparende Technologien zu berücksichtigen.

is Germany’s largest manufacturer of enamels, glazes and engobes with its own frit smelter and grinding facilities. Wendel has been a pioneer and top innovator since 1932. Specialising in B2B from the raw material to the finished high-quality product. A brand leader in the field of enamels and roof tile glazes throughout Europe. A leader in casting enamel powders on the world market. Quality is our recipe. Enamels and glazes, our passion.



According to RAL 529 A (1940), enamel is a mass that is produced by melting or fritting; an inorganic and essentially oxidic composition fused onto metallic components in one or more layers, partly with additives.

Enamel frits

Depending on the quenching process of the smelt, granules or flake-shape substances (so-called flakes) are produced when quenched with water or during the roller cooling. Granules and flakes are called enamel frits.

Coil Coating

Coil-Coating (Bandbeschichtung) ist ein industrielles Verfahren, in dem gewalzte Stahl- und Aluminiumbänder kontinuierlich beschichtet werden.


Ready to use

Ready to mill
